I dedicate my memories-relations to my parents,
my loving wife Jolanta, my only son Jakub,
the rest of the Małobęcki family
and the inhabitants of the Staszów region
My motivation to write these memoirs-relations was the meeting that took place in Staszów in the summer of 1991 during my vacation on which I came from the United States with my wife and son. I met with Dr. Maciej Zarębski – President of the “Staszów Land” Cultural Society. He acquainted me with the Society’s and journalistic activity. The rich and varied journalistic activity made me ask the president a question about the lack of even a modest publication concerning the last historical events, so important in the history of Poland, i.e. the activity of NSZZ Solidarity, also in the “Staszów Land.” In response, President Maciej Zarębski asked me to prepare such a supplementary information, as I took an active part in the activity of NSZZ Solidarity within the territory of “Staszów Land.” After a deep reflection on the proposal, I concluded that not filling this gap and not writing down the facts would be a damage to the history of “Staszów Land.” Due to the fact that I took an active part in the activity of NSZZ Solidarity, the awkward situation made me decide to take the form of memories relations. It seemed to me that in such circumstances it was the most appropriate form to report the facts.
I hope that my memoirs-relations will be accepted with understanding and treated only as one of the stories that make up the history of “Staszów Land.”